15 Years of Linux

It occurred to me recently that I’ve now been using Linux in one form or another for fifteen years.

Thanks to the power of Google, one of my early posts to USENET about getting a Linux-based office program to sync with my Palm Pilot PDA is still lurking…. https://groups.google.com/forum/?nomobile=true#!original/staroffice.com.support.install.linux/vLu-5B6FBwg/m8quB_SYjoEJ

Here it is –


I noticed this today, August 25, which is the anniversary of Linus Torvalds announcing his  (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones on the USENET newsgroup, comp.os.minix.   

Of course, I tweeted about it while using the Linux-based Android-driven smartphone I now have, which far surpasses the computing power present in my 1999 Palm III.